Personal Anthology

I chose this topic, because it’s a crucial and an important topic. We must enlighten everyone to prevent the ecological changes and the murder of the nature.  Our insensitive governments destroy the remainig forests, builds dams to beautiful rivers and finally, governments don’t prevent carbon emission. Our world is dying, and we must find a way to avoid it. Nature takes revenge on us by: floods, storms, tornados, earthquakes, eruptions and tsunamis. When these kind of disasters happen, thousands of people die. Nowadays, as you can detect easily; these disasters are commonly appear in everywhere around the world. Now, Australia is dealing with a catastrophic flood, Rio de Jenerio is also same

I upload a video about a tornado in America, on my home page. This is a regular five point (out of ten) tornado, which ruined a town. Imagine a ten point tornado hitting Izmir; it will be horrible. These tornados are frequently observed in America, however it’s rare to see one in Turkey; now, you can find tornados in Mediterranean part of Turkey. Moreover, I have a tornado picture on the upper side of the home page. This picture is only for the home page, because I put a tornado video.

Earth Song, It’s a very good song, composed by, Michael Jackson. I put a video of the song, because it is about my theme. I chose this song, because it is the best song written about this topic. I think Greenpeace sometimes uses this song for their propagandas. I always like the video and the song, so it’s my first choice.

I find this article from the New York Times. Its about the Katrina cyclone, which hit New Orleans on 2005. Lots of people died and, the richer people escaped to a safer city(white people). US government announced that this cyclone damaged New Orleans about 500$ million dollars. I put this article to show people how a cyclone can damage a city. Nature is really powerful and we should not mess with it.

I wrote Nature’s Fury poem, because I could not find the poem I searched for days. This poem shows my opinion about this crucial issue. As we try to murder Nature; its fury will grow, and we will suffer, as our planet die.

Everybody knows what means revenge but ,I put this poem, because I wasn’t everyone to know about pure revenge. This poem is written by Letitia Elizabeth Landon. I found this poem from This poem is really cool, because you can fell this poem. I wrote the catastrophic, because again I could not find what I tried to find. This poem is similar with the other poem Nature’s Fury. Nature wants peace, this can only achieved by killing humans. Only a disaster will bring us to reality. I found this poetic short story from a website however, its link crashed; so they renew it with another website, which I could not find. This short story is really good, because it tells us how the natures revenge will be. My second short story is about a typhoon, which killed some sailmen; written by Jack London however, its his first story which was published. My questions for discussion site has some questions about my site and it is a blog.